Friday, December 30, 2005

mommy's got her game on

and it's a good thing too, cuz i sure as hell don't. today she took my brother and i to start IRA's for the both of us. if you're like me, you have not a clue what an IRA is. i just knew it had something to do with money, cuz i was supposed to meet her at the bank. well, turns out it stands for Individual Retirement Account. uh-huh. my first thought was - i haven't even started working...i haven't even started to think about working, but you're already considering my retirement? mommy's got her game on. and cuz of her, my 16 yr old bro is one of the few with an IRA. now, though, i'm convinced it's a fantastic idea. by the time i'm ready to retire, in about 50 years, i will be a granny with style, damnit. i will wear a red hat with a purple dress, i will own my own sailboat to sail around the world in, and i will go sky-diving every week. that's what the money's for.
so right now i am thinking i should be calculating. i should figure out which account to put money in, how much i will be making, etc.
i'm also thinking that if i had any interest in money whatsoever, i would be doing the aforementioned. it would be the intelligent, practical, savvy thing to do, but...well, i just haven't gotten around to it. i once had a notion that i wanted to become an investor. i would make all the money i would ever need by the age of 25 and then just travel and paint the rest of my life. that notion was more short-lived than the rest of my notions. i just don't care enough about money. how does one sit around and count money all day? eegh. to me, it's analogous to a game of monopoly minus the colorful board and fun game pieces. and much more complicated rules; a game that i have niether the time nor the patience for. i play games, but only those of the board variety. my longest-lived notion is that i will just go to africa and hunt wildebeast. screw the government, screw taxes, screw society, screw games, screw it all.
that notion is still alive.

BUT lest we get away from the point of this entry, i shall repeat :

mommy's got her game on. and i don't.

(monetary game, that is. and i'm not so sure i want to)


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