Tuesday, December 13, 2005

From Larry

In your honor, a gift of a llama
has been made, which helps struggling people from around the world become self-reliant for food and income.
May this gift bring you joy as it brings hope to a family in need.


Whoo! kind of exciting to have a llama given in my name.
one thing, however, that lessens the coolness a bit is the fancy-pancy card i got. really now, i'd rather have you spend the money on livestock, or whatever it is you guys do over there. i don't need a card that looks like it costed half a heifer to print.
i could totally raise alpacas in the high andes, farm silk worms in china, tend goats in east africa...anything but study in minnesota.

ps. their website is interesting, i love the gift catalog. i want to give a family a flock of ducks! props to the company for doing what they're doing. we won't get philosophical and talk about how not cool some of the implications are and if they're really helping people in the long run, because, really - what do i know? not much. though i'm curious, how do they choose which families to give to? and how are these families supposed to support livestock if they're having trouble supporting themselves? and how do they address cultural issues? shit, i shouldn't be thinking about this, i should be thinking about the tricarboxylic acid cycle and how to produce multiple regression models. MISERY.


Blogger shirlee said...

omigod, i want a flock of geese!!!

6:34 PM  
Blogger wynee said...

me too. or a water buffalo. or a heiffer. or an 18-hen unit. i could have fresh eggs for forever!

10:43 PM  

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