Monday, December 19, 2005

i have not seen sunlight in days, i have not eaten real food in days, and i have not had real, sustained human contact in days. i have been living in moos tower, computer lab. all day i sit in this room below ground with humming computers and waste away, only emerging to either pee or buy edibles from vending machines. note: poo was not on the list of reasons to emerge, as i have been consuming only what comes out of machines. this is not conducive to poo. end note. i derive my entertainment from people trying to enter the computer lab and not succeeding (it's technically closed, but i got in. no, i'm not telling). my eyes are bloodshot. i have not bathed in days, and my hair is a rat's nest (although that's nothing unusual, let's pretend it is, it'll make it all the more dramatic).

just because i'm curious, and i'm sure you all are too, let's find out...
monies inserted into vending machine slot:
lays baked chips: $0.75
starburst fruit candy: $0.80
chocolate chocolate chip muffin: $1.00
frozen microwave macaroni: $1.75
starburst fruit candy: $0.80
kit kat bar, extra crispy: $0.80
coffee, extra strong: $0.40
total monies sucked up by machines: $6.30
total time writing that up: 1.5 minutes. total time till next exam: 20 hours. total time needed till next exam: 40 hours. shit.

note: the use of the word "monies". that means i have more than one money. :)

let's else can i avoid studying? ah, i know. i will compile a list of things to do in order to survive in case you are stuck in the basement of a classroom building. whether it be from natural disaster or masochism, here are ways to be resourceful:
1. if you are in need of eating utensils because there are none by the microwave and microwaveable meal-vending machine, use coffee stirrers as chopsticks. they're a little flimsy, but functional. better than fingers at least.
2. the coffee place leaves out their coffee stirrers and sugar packets even when they're closed because they think nobody will take them. muahaha. sugar packets. eat them. they will provide food for your brain, which you might need at some point. they are also good for sweetening tea and coffee, should you have any.
3. if you run out of money for the vending machines, either tilt and shake them, or see #2.
4. if you are perishing not from lack of physical nourishment, but from boredom, check out the newspapers. many classroom buildings offer a variety.
5. newspapers and paper towels from the bathroom also provide ways to stay warm. stuff them in your clothes.
6. if you tire of machine-grub and feel like you need some fresh food or a bowel movement, the plant down the hall from the bathroom might be an option.
7. running up and down the wrong way on the escalators is very entertaining.

wow. really must stop now. though there are plenty more tips that might be posted later. :)


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