Friday, April 08, 2005

hard and fast, baby, that's how I do
fall, that is.
literally and figuratively. unfortunately.
or maybe not so unfortunate? at least it's quick? yes, must tap into that blind optimism i was once so proud of.

another beautiful day. if you must do something bad, do it under the sun. sunlight absolves guilt and all sorts of other negative feelings. or it just laughs at you for taking yourself so seriously.

i've been inspired to be a good person again, for two reasons - random acts of kindness spread cheer; trivial things like people going out of their way to be helpful at the grocery store alwyas have a greater impact than you'd imagine.
also, the other day the roomie told me she liked me. when i asked why, she said "because you're nice". i like being nice :).
it's all about the warm fuzzies!

on an entirely different note, i am single. this'll be interesting. and completely devoid of any warm fuzzies.


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