Wednesday, April 06, 2005

my brain has turned into a pile of mush. i have much to do, but i either can't or won't. i always took pride in being able to separate my personal life from everything else, but...some thangs just need to be settled before i can function fully again. too much whirling around in the space between my ears., can't form a coherent thought. but maybe that's the sleep deprivation.

relativity and generality got mixed up
it was all relative but now it's
in general
yin and yang leave no room for middle ground
it's black and white, but hardly anything is black and white
truths and falsehoods, it's always somewhere in between
no longer a dichotomy but a gradient

i would like nothing better right now than to fall into the deep blue sky. maybe it's the spring air, maybe it's the temperature, maybe it's you.

this train has suffered yet another derailment. repairs are necessary, don't know how long it will be until we're on the road again. we apologize for the inconvenience.


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