Tuesday, March 15, 2005

no titties as of yet. or peni. penes. see? i learned something in medical terminology. though i'm not so sure of what i'm learning in my other classes. was talking to chenyu last night. he's taking political theory, which is basically the same class i'm taking- political ideas and ideologies. we're reading a lot of the same stuff- sophocles, plato, locke, etc. i found out though, he's not reading machiavelli. and i'm not reading nietzsche . how can you take a poli sci class w/o reading machiavelli? or nietzsche? we get taught whatever the prof thinks is important. it's really scary to think about - we must be getting such skewed views of the world. and yeah, i've thought about this before but it never seemed that serious. or it just never bothered me this much. but maybe it shouldn't bother me so much. we can never know the whole truth about one thing, can we? we'll never get the whole version no matter who or where we learned it from. and another thing, there is no one truth, is there? everybody's version of reality is skewed.

i don't know though...makes me want to go out and find my own truth rather than learn it from somebody else. but we won't start with that :) school is school and i've got to do it. i guess.


Blogger shirlee said...

poor thing :(

what are you doing this summer?
let me tell you.

you are joining me on a month long excursion around europe - contiki tours. itll be a blast : )

12:54 PM  

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