Thursday, March 03, 2005

must people be so fuckin contrived?! it's so very infuriating.

tell me why inspire me intoxicate me i need something to believe in. wanted passion i got pain well i guess it's better than nothing. stretching out into the nothingness miles of Stare, as Dickinson says. much madness is divinest sense what sense is there in this world exclamation points and question marks i just want a reason doesn't even have to be good just tell me waiting for an epiphany just go out and find it i need a good brainwashing agitation and refirmation comes to nothing assimilate conform embrace it all how does it taste where do i put my face needs a good washing clearing cleanse my soul what is soul souls - just another human invention color in this world is lacking color color it in like a coloring book it's whatever color you want it to be control you've got control control over what though control like freedom do people want freedom from or freedom to


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