Thursday, February 17, 2005

really riled up right now. i can't really explain it, i'm just...hungry for...something, intellectual intercourse, i suppose. discourse, recourse, anything. i guess physical intercouse would be nice also. i want to talk, argue, learn, breathe and be. i have this yearning to live, to suck all the life out of this lemon that i've been handed :).
i want to do something meaningful, i want to explode, i want to spontaneously combust.
i want to change the world, i want to smell the flowers in amsterdam, i want to swim in lake victoria in tanzania. i want to explore the mountains in afghanistan, i want to read kierkegaard in iraq, i want to write a novel sitting in bangkok, i want to speak to the street artists in roma, i want to traverse the whole length of the great wall of china, i want to cross the Gobi desert, i want to dig a great big well for the nigerians so they'll never run out of freshwater, i want to rebuild all the houses in sri lanka, i want to run wild, butt-ass nekked in the rainforests of south america. i want to eat chapati in Bombay, dumplings in TianJin, foie gras in Marseille, i want to swim among the fish of the great barrier reef, i want to portage the boundary waters, i want...

too many things.


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