Thursday, February 17, 2005
Click to save the endangered rainforests!

"Thank you! Your click has funded the preservation of 11.4 square feet of endangered rainforest. Please click every day and support the sponsors below, who pay for your gift."

so...if i average about two clicks every five seconds, i could click 24 times a minute, which means 1,440 clicks an hour. at 11.4 square feet of rainforst per click, i'm "saving" 16,416 square feet an hour.

HOW LONG DO I HAVE TO CLICK TO SAVE ALL THE ENDANGERED RAINFOREST????! somebody, please tell me, cuz i'd really like to know. REALLY. i mean, in theory, i really could save it ALL if i sat here and clicked all day. but does it really work like that? what actually happens when i click? agh.


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