Saturday, March 19, 2005

AGGHH. why oh why is it that everybody talks about american casualties in Iraq, etc but nobody ever mentions Iraqi civilian casualties? there was a huge newspaper article today that laid out the numbers. of americans. it broke it down into all sorts of numbers, percentages, statistics, pie graphs, bar graphs, charts, tables. deaths per state, deaths per percentage of population in each state, causes of death, etc. WHAT ABOUT THE IRAQI'S? do we just not care? haha. stupid question.
i spose adding to my frustration is...stupid people. i hate it when people start an argument about something and then accuse you of trying to be "all philosophical and uppity" when you're merely playing along with the argument. oh, or if you've used a word longer than three syllables. it's not an effective argument. it is also infuriating when said person gets exremely defensive for no reason at all and starts calling you names. again, it's no way to argue. I'M SO TIRED OF IGNORANCE! i'm not claiming to know everything, i'm not better than anybody, and i don't make judgements. everybody should be like me....:)


Blogger jen said...

hm...if said person is who i think it is, 'ppears you should get your dad crackin' on that lakeshore property...

11:50 PM  
Blogger Panmillennial said...

I can understand your frustration. It would have been much better for the US to stay out of Iraq and let Sadam kill his own people and one-day attack other countries. Your are correct it is frustrating when people get defensive and start calling people names like "stupid" when their opinion on the subject differs. I also agree people should be more like you and not judge others especially when they are uniformed and ignorant like in matters of foreign politics and making decisions for an entire country. It is defiantly refreshing to read such an informative and non-judgmental post. Thanks.

10:24 AM  

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