Friday, April 16, 2004

i love thunderstorms. this one, especially, is a romantic poet/painter's dream. so much fury, so much passion, so much power! ROAR!!! or RAWR!! ? somebody once told me that a rawr was much better than a puny roar. i disagree. rawr, to me, sounds like little simba attempting a ROAR!!!! ROAR has just got so much more soul, more 'umph'. funny thing a little "o" can do.

i spose another reason this particular thunderstorm gives me so much satisfaction is because all the drunken white people are stuck in it...muahhaha :) that's what you get for being sheep! they're absolutely terrible. last week one threw up in front of our door. it was lovely. another week, somebody shat in the sink. haven't quite figured out the logisitics of that yet. and they're unbelievably loud at 4am. granted, i have been tipsy at 4am, but at least i'm still considerate when i'm tipsy. don't think i'm quite capable of being drunk. oh, the drunken white hordes are so terrible that even all the black people are scared of them! the black people either don't go out, or hide out and have their own parties and try to avoid the scary white people as best they can. it's really quite hilarious.

oooo...must get a breath of this storm, my lungs are itching to be filled with fresh spring air. i think i'm the only person i know that goes puddle jumping at 1am. sober.

p.s. i never understood why people are so afraid of rain. it's just water, damnit! are you afraid of melting? god forbid your precious hair get a little water in it. or your shirt get wet. it's going to be washed, isn't it? (this commentary was brought about by a portion of the screaming drunk white hordes under my window. i think one of them got her eyelash wet. maybe she forgot to use waterproof mascara. or maybe somebody's fake tan is dripping down her legs. or maybe somebody's whole face is washing away! how exciting.)


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