Wednesday, October 12, 2005

i guess this is take-pleasure-in-small-things week.

i really enjoy finding clean socks. especially when i think that i don't have anymore because i'm a total bum and haven't done laundry in....weeks. wheeeee!!!!

today's grand conclusion:
science is too friggin abstract for me. all these years i've been lying to myself, taking for granted that it's all really logical, but i just had a moment of clarity.


i was "studying" o chem today when it hit me. one moment everything was all molecules and logic, the next, i was like "wtf is the free energy of a reaction?" wft is energy??? orbitals? i was in such a quandary that i actually looked up "orbital" in the dictionary, and this is what it said: "The wave function of an electron in an atom or molecule, indicating the electron's probable location". wave function? light? electromagnetic waves? probable location? does it get any more abstract? how did this make sense to me all these years?
fuck it, i'm going back to art. so much more logical.

in other news, saw death cab for cutie @ 1st ave, they were also much better live than expected. i heart death cab!

i'm definitely studying abroad next year. spoke to a study abroad counselor today. :) narrowed it down to five countries - kenya, egypt, australia, china or the UK. guess that's better than the original 15 countries...just don't know how i'm supposed to narrow it down past this! too many options. i want it all. now.


Blogger jen said...

well, yea, man. wave functions. electrons aren't exactly particles. but they aren't exactly waves either. there are numerous experiments supporting each thoery that i could tell you about, but that'd make me more of a nerd than i already am in telling you this much. i learned it all in quantum chem. but i don't quite remember everything.

7:25 PM  
Blogger wynee said...

well yeah i could recite that to you too, but it still doesn't make sense.

12:02 PM  

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