Thursday, September 08, 2005

what's brown, round and crumbles to the touch?
a reese's peanut butter ball! in other words, what's left of a reese's miniature when i've finished with one. finally got around to getting my studying on, but only because of the giant bag of chocolate silently cheering me on from the sidelines. my method of eating a reese's is as systematic as my studying is haphazard. first, i peel back the foil wrapper, being careful not to rip it because i'll need it later. then off comes the little paper cup, and the chocolate follows suit. but only the chocolate. oh what velvety richness! the little ball of peanut butter is then placed back on its wrapper, resting like a frog on a lilly pad. i might as well be in a pond right now, surrounded as i am by little butter-of-peanut frogs.

but back to the matter at hand--studying. i'm not so much studying as listening to med students study for their next anatomy exam. bits of dialogue are transcribed below for your pleasure:

"i told you the vagina wasn't up there! it's over here!!!"
"the vagina is 10cm long.
that's only 3 inches!
so what happens if a penis is longer than 10 cm?
i don't know, it goes into the uterus?"
"where the hell is the rectum? why can't i find the rectum?"
"i can't figure out if this is a man or a's gotta be a woman...if this is a"
"it's the dorsal nerve of the penis! no, wait. sorry, dorsal nerve of the clitoris."

sometimes i get to thinking that med students are severely sexually deprived.


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