Saturday, July 23, 2005

today this pothead came in seeking medical attention, but he wouldn't let us give him anything because he was worried about synthetic chemicals. wanted to ask him - what about that MiracleGro that the weed you're smoking was probably sprayed with? he was so worried about purity (yes, he said it in italics). i sympathize with him, but people loose me when they go to such extremes. and are ignorant about it.
of course, he was also a vegetarian, shopped at health food stores and was into "eastern religions". it's scary how people can be so predictable at times.

oops. didn't mean to sound so judgemental, but this guy was just too much. it would've been fine if he had known what he was talking about, but he was clueless, a fad-follower. he tried to preach to me about buying "organic" foods. when i asked him if he knew what "organic" really meant, he stumbled and said something along the lines of " means it's pure". roighto, buddy. organic foods also have good karma. and they'll improve your qi and show you The Way. and we musn't forget the chakra!

double whammy for Edward Said today. he's probably turning in his grave. tried "oriental flavored" ramen, always wanted to know- wtf is oriental flavor? i always imagine oriental rugs transposed into soup-which means absolutely nothing - a western set of symbols to make the east more palatable, easy to digest. anyway, back to my ramen. what exactly does oriental flavor entail, you ask?

soy sauce.


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