Monday, June 20, 2005

CRIKEY. this time we've really done it. Restless Legs Syndrome?! what's next, knuckle-cracking disorder? i guess i shouldn't be so facetious, i have all the symptoms of RLS, including "chronic insomnia, an overwhelming urge to move the legs, and daytime tiredness". i should probably consult my physician. then he'll prescribe me some pills from GlaxoSmithKline (who happens to be urging awareness of this "disease"). do you have any of these symptoms? fear not! you are not alone. Approx 10% of Americans are also suffering from RLS! don't be afraid to discuss it with your friends and family (they may have it too!). don't delay! RLS could lead to depression or suicide! RLS is a life-altering diagnosis. wait. diagnosis? yes, diagnosis, not trait, not a nervous tick, not a mere idiosyncracy. really now, was it absolutely necessary to establish this as a "syndrome", a "disease"?
oh wait, i forgot. this is america.

thank you, prozac nation.

actually, we should be thanking the Mayo Clinic for the valuable research that will enable more doctors to diagnose more people with RLS and prescribe more pills. god i love capitalism. and the mayo. i love the mayo because it provides pretty much all the baseline data we have on the human race. why is this awesome? because the Mayo happens to be located in Olmstead County, MINNESOTA. who lives in Olmstead County? Upper-middle class WHITE PEOPLE.

thank you, Mayo.


Blogger jen said...

actually, if you live down here, you'll notice: 1. it's olmsted, with no a. and 2. this area is filled with white HICKS, not upper-middle class. the doctors make up a minority of the population. there's also a fairly decent-sized somali population, as well as a fair number of asians. of course it's no melting pot by any means, but it's definitely not all white upper-middle class. and rls is old news, why the hell are you suddenly ripping on it? whatsamatta you? not gettin' any? jesus.

9:32 PM  
Blogger wynee said...

thank you for clearing that up. i think my head is just fuzzy from working at hcmc. i now see the world from the other end of the spectrum (that being of the "people of diverse ethnic backgrounds" -barf). and if rls is old news, i guess i'm just behind the times- though i had just read about it in a recently published article.
and yeah, that's precisely what the matter is. that, among other things.

2:49 AM  

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