Thursday, September 22, 2005

my microbio prof said something amazing (-ly idiotic) today- he was speaking about bacterial populations reaching their critical limit when he said "i could make an analogy about a certain race of people in this room, but it might offend won't say it. heh..." there was a dead silence, followed by nervous laughter and incredulous guffaws.

karaoke machines are fun, and so is biking in thunderstorms.

Supposedly, when it came time to fly their first plane, the Wright brothers flipped a coin to see who would be flying. Wilbur flew, but nobody knows who won the coin toss.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cingular to launch music download service
Cingular Wireless, the No. 1 U.S. wireless carrier, plans this year to sell a "walkie-talkie" ... The service fee would likely be "slightly higher" than what consumers pay for songs on iTunes, the popular system run by iPod creator Apple Computer Inc.
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!

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6:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Jarvis Effect
Call it the Jarvis Effect. At an advertising conference today, someone asked me if Jeff Jarvis' recent rants on Dell measurably impacted sales.
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3:59 PM  

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