Saturday, December 04, 2004

two words - Mass. Storage.

I. Pod.

been jumping all sorts of bandwagons this semester. the most recent leap - bought an ipod. yes, i am a sell-out. ah well, it was well worth the insane amount of money i spent. so far. only had it for about 24 hours, so we'll see. and it really is the best out of its competitors. i know people that have comarable mp3 players and they all say they freeze up or have other problems. this is the most amount of money i've ever spent on any one thing, and it makes me feel so incredibly guilty! i've been trying to rationalize this purchase, but i just can't. i didn't need it, i didn't deserve it, and, yes, i probably could have done without it. but i would've kept wanting and thinking about getting's better this way, to just buy it and get it over with. i realize i was raised to practice self-denial. i've been taught that it's greedy to want anything unecessary, and splurges are frivolous and materialistic. that still doesn't justify my purchase. oh well.

the end of the semester is coming up, really soon. where did all the months go? whatever happened to october? and november? apparently i'll be transferring next sem. i'll have to start all over again. ah well, story of my life. keeps me on my toes. can never get too comfortable with a set of people, or a place. makes things interesting?


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