Monday, October 18, 2004

i feel so happy-go-lucky today for no apparent reason. i was walking down the street and felt like i was in one of those commercials where everybody's bobbing their head to the same catchy tune. made me want to start singing and dancing out loud.

the leaves are changing colors - that might be playing into my bounciness today. and the air just smells so good - crisp and fresh. so much vibrant color everywhere! spent the weekend running around with my camera (and the boy's Canon Eos...yummy) trying to catch the vibrancy on film. didn't quite work though. there's a tree right outside my window that's particularly colorful. my window faces the door, and it's the first thing i see when i walk in. this sounds corny, but every time i come in the room, i get such a jolt from the intensity of the color. it's like the tree is palpitating with color; it's resonant, it's electrifying, almost sonorous!

uh, anyway...i really shouldn't be so happy. midterms didn't go so well. and since school should be my first priority, i should be really bummed.


the library always depresses me. i walk in and see all these people studying their asses off, and to what end? do they know why they're studying so hard? so they can end up with a decent gpa so they can get into grad school and eventually get a decent job, get married to a decent person, have decent kids, send them to a decent school, where the cycle starts all over again? why is that so depressing to me? it's the circle of life, wynee, learn to accept it.

but maybe it depresses me because it seems like they have purpose and direction in their lives and i'm still drifting.



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