Tuesday, November 30, 2004

"loneliness is the human condition. no one is ever going to fill that space. the best you can do is know yourself, know what you want and don't let the cattle get in the way."
-tom robbins

it's funny how people define happiness. a lot of people define it as having somebody to share life with. which doesn't make too much sense, in my opinion. to me, happiness is so many things - it's in the trees outside, the clouds, the grass, moose track ice cream...and sure, people. but why limit yourself to one thing? it seems childish to focus on the one thing that you can't have. though i'm not saying that having someone in your life wouldn't be nice.

i always wonder how many opportunities are missed when you don't go that extra bit to talk to somebody. there are so many amazing people everywhere, if only you could get the chance to sit down and talk to them all!


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