Monday, November 08, 2004

four more years? shit. i've never cared too much about politics in the past, but right now, i'm scared. four more years?....aaaghhh. i saw this and decided to steal it-

"I spent 5 months trying to reason with individual voters in two'Swing States' when I should have just been driving through rural Ohio running people down with my car"~misc blog

in other news, i saw the northern lights last night. they weren't as clear and dramatic as they normally are in pictures, but last night was pretty impressive nonetheless.

brought home a sick bat last week to rehabilitate. in the middle of the night it started thumping around in the cardboard box it was in, trying to escape; it was like something out of a horror movie--the box was bouncing all over the ground. earlier that night we were watching the news and there was a story about a boy who got rabies from a bat bite...we finally let it go later, turned out to be a quite hilarious ordeal : )
halloween was...halloween. ended in riots and pepper spray, as usual. that's what you get when you have 5,000 drunk, costumed people on three blocks of a street. they say over 90% of 400-something arrests made those two nights were not UW students, a significant proportion were from...where else but minnesota?


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