Monday, August 11, 2003

agh! so many things to say and do...where the hell do i start?

i miss duluth
going to rome on thursday, which reminds me - i've gotta book my flight and figure out where i'm goin an shit
coming back on monday,
leaving for new york city tuesday (also gotta book my flight and figure what i'm gonna do and where i'm gonna stay)
don't know when i'm coming back from nyc...maybe a week?
gotta pack for school and
eventually move all my shit to school (definitely own too many material's disgusting)
still gotta unpack and repack from duluth
i miss duluth. it's amazing how you can get attached to certain places. or, as someone likes to say, "form a relationship with it" don't know if i'd go that far, but it's close. and the people...i'm an honorary ojibwe member :) but i knew this is how it would turn out, right? from the beginning i knew that there were thing i'd never seen, people i've never met, things i've never done. and i knew i'd come out a better person.
gotta find a job for the school year
my roommate...she sounds so freakin white. i didn't really have a problem with white people until i visited madison. "madison is such a diverse campus! it will really open my mind" um sorry, hunny, madison is mostly white, and your mind must be pretty tightly closed. it's like some white people don't know how to deal with us, they've never seen anybody like us before, they forget we're still human beings. amazing, isn't it?

ugh ok, enough negativity, where the hell does it all come from? is it just festering inside of me? when did i become so petty?


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