Monday, July 21, 2003

Currently listening to: Boy Sets Fire, "Dying on Principle"

welcome to the black hills. you stand on cooled lava, hardened into rock. cooled lava surrounds you in a vast continuum of wasteland. only there is nothing cool about this lava today. as the sun beats down, you wonder how you're going to make it out of here, if there is an out at all. the sun is everywhere, you can't turn your back on it. it beats down on you, surrounds you, and radiates up to you from the rock. you are effectively surrounded, a fish in a suffocating net of heat. you could run, but how long would you last in this vast oven? how long before the sun and rocks drain every last bit of moisture from you? listen to the sizzling of your sweat as it hits the black rock.

they are thirsty


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