Saturday, April 05, 2003

Currently listening to: Weezer - "Hash Pipe"

it's 28 degrees out and SNOWING. whatever happened to spring? the poor ducks in the backyard must be so confused. aww...they look so cold, and they can't swim cuz the pond is freezing over again. good thing they don't have ducklings yet.

started reading a book on chinese thought. how sad is it that i'm reading a book by a white guy to learn about the philosophies and thought methods of chinese people?

speaking of china...damn i miss it. home is where the heart is, they say. problem is, i don't know where my heart is, or even if i've got a heart. but my best guess would be that most of it's over in china, which would mean that some of it's still over here. i can't say either is my home. i am not wholly accepted by either place, and it seems that i will forever be without a definite place to plant my roots, like a piece of driftwood i have floated and have come to vast sea to be tossed around and forever drifting...unless someday i wash up on some unknown beach in a distant land.


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