Wednesday, March 26, 2003

The pimp-mobile has officially made its last run. I think it's finally dead now, after all those false alarms. Yesterday, I was approaching a yellow light at 40 mph, intent on running it when this giant semi decides to make a left turn, so i stepped on the brakes, confident that i'd be able to stop in time. only nothing happened. So there i was, hurtling towards a semi at 40 mph downhill with no brakes, and all i could think was "oh shit. i'm either gonna die or i'm gonna be late for work." at the last moment, i turned the wheel as hard as i could to the right and i barely missed smashing my car into a billion pieces.

and i was late for work.

whenever things like that happen in the movies or in books, people always see their lives flash before their eyes. after their close encounter with death, they realize how quickly life can be taken away and vow to live their lives anew, but i think the only thing i've gathered from my experience yesterday is that i need a new car.


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