Saturday, March 15, 2003

started another painting today. i'm going to do a series of our backyard in all four seasons. should be interesting :)
i spilled water all over one of my charcoal pieces the other day.i was really upset at first, but then i realized that it produced an interesting surreal effect...i kinda like it :)

also started going to acting class again. now i remember why i stopped going. it's so...stupid. there's gotta be another word to describe it...asinine? inane? retarded? nope, nope and nope. it's just plain old pain-in-the ass STUPID. speaking of acting, i don't know if i could survive long in that world. not that the acting/modeling world would want me in the first place, but we're only speaking theoretically here. so theoretically, if i went down this acting/modeling road, i think i would probably spontaneously combust or something cuz i can NOT handle the people. it's not just the actor/actresses that are harebrained and frivolous and , it's people on the other side too. my talent scout, the receptionist....IMBECILES, all of them! :) i suppose i won't get started on specifics, because there will be no end. anyway, sitting here ranting isn't going to help anything. and, well haven't we all heard enough about idiotic people? and maybe they all possess more intelligence than they like to can only hope :)


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