Sunday, August 22, 2004

long day of work. left house at eight am, got back around eleven pm - 'bout 15 hours. spent whole day building cages to conduct beetle experiments in, did a lot of sawing, hammering, etc.

after i graduate from med school i think i want to work construction for a while. it's just so satisfying to build things with your own hands. people take for granted material items these days. it's so easy to buy something ready made and not give a single second to considering how it was made. the art of construction is lost on so many people.

almost got another speeding ticket today. roar. the officer was incredibly nice, though. told him was a student at UW, he felt sorry for me and didn't write me up. very amiable man, spose i'm lucky.

only five more days here, then it's back home and school. can't wait to hear everybody (including myself) complain about how they're not ready for classes to start, blah, blah blah.

another beautiful thunderstorm is happening...

saw the stars out in the country for the first time in a while. absolutely amazing spectacle. was like being in planetarium, only larger than life. could see the milky way, learned buncha new constellations. so sad the there is so much light pollution nowadays, sad that i was so shocked at the amount of stars in the sky that i never see in the city.

haha my exhausted-ness is showing. too lazy to write in full sentences. sleep.


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