Friday, August 13, 2004

was i really so drunk last night to believe that this nigeria thing might work out? though the only problem is really just my parents. who knows...

just found another tick on me. that's the third one this summer. crikey, if i make it through the summer without getting lyme disease or west nile, i shall consider myself lucky. or some wacky parasite. alex was scaring me w stories today. he's had pin worms. they live in your colon and come out at night to feed on...leftovers and lay eggs. gruesome, eh? and then there are mosquitos that carry fly eggs that get deposited under your skin when they suck your blood. the eggs then hatch, and the fly larvae consume your flesh, and it supposedly itches like hell. the coolest thing about it is the larvae send up a little snorkel tube up through your skin so it can get air. supposedly, the only was to get rid of the thing is to block up the tube and suffocate it, then rip it out, which is hard cuz their legs have giant hook/barbs on them that latch into your flesh.

and then, of course, there are the parasites that are consuming our dear subjects, the cottonwood leaf beetle larvae. the fly lays its eggs in the beetle larvae, and the grub consumes the beetle larvae from the inside out. it's fascinating. today we spent...a lot of time popping open dead beetle larvae to find a plump wriggling grub inside. i can't get the image out of my head! it's like...popping open a zit and seeing a squirmy grub. oy. gruesome, gruesome flies...reminds me of the way somebody i once knew described pregnancy - the embryo is a opportunistic parasite, it lives in the womb, deriving all its nutrients from it's host. it grows, develops, and keeps feeding off the host; until the day it gets large enough to BURST out of it's host!!!!! roar!! haha, oh the similarities between a parasitic fly and the human embryo!

erm...onto other exciting news (though i don't know how you could get more exciting than parasitic monstrosities). saw a bald eagle today, and a couple snakes. ah...the great outdoors!

really disappointed in new jersey governor what's his name's resignation, tired of hearing about it.

rush limbaugh attacked democrats for "pulling strings" and having things like hollywood and the music industry in their pocket...i don't see how that's any worse than the republicans funding ralph nader. politics...ridiculous! it's all ridiculous.


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