Wednesday, August 04, 2004

international paper is an evil corporation. don't ever buy their paper. they bully scientists and farmers. they "accidently" sprayed our site w insecticide! after we specifically told them not to. many times. went to the field today and all the beetle larvae were dead in their tracks, just plain annhilated. funny thing is, we're trying to help them. we're studying beetle behavior, and that information can only do them good. earlier this month we predicted that this is something that they'd do. fuckin profit-driven, short-sighted, megalomaniac paper company.

i'm jealous. skylar went off on an international sailboat race. without me! i want to learn how to sail.
my five yr old stalker and his sisters are torturing my poor turtles. they've dropped bill bob twice. sittin here trying to figure out how much longer i can stand this. *wince*. jacob (the kid) wanted to keep t.s. eliot, but i told him no. but softened the blow by letting him have two beetles. cripes, he was pleased! i wish i was still a child. children are so easy to please. they've got low expectations, and yet think the world is such a huge, wonderful place.


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