Sunday, July 25, 2004

whenever i close my eyes i see beetle larvae. hundreds of squirming little wormies in giant piles that i have to count. blargh! just got back from a loooong day in the field. hands are shaking from exhaustion. three more weeks of this...crikey. alex leaving for a week, he felt uncomfortable with me working by myself; klutz that i am i might fall off a ladder and nobody would find me for days or maybe i'd get stung by something and again, my body wouldn't be found until it was a rotting mess. so i told him i have a friend who might be willing to work with me. and i called skylar. funniness. he was excited about it. so i'm working w sky for a week. this'll be interesting and fun (minus the working and sweating and being eaten by mosquitos). the Boy doesn't like it one bit. oh well. he'll get over it. it is kinda weird i'll admit, sky and i will be living together, we'll be together 24/7 for ten was such an ordeal tracking that boy down. i should be a detective. haven't seen or heard from him for two months and now i'll be w him for a i said, makes for interesting times...


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