Wednesday, July 07, 2004

phew it's been a long weekend. still recovering from it and its wednesday. actually, should say i've just started recovering from it today. friday through mon was in long island, new york. went shopping and to the beach w shirlee, fishing w families. was kinda fun. dad caught a shark! very cool, such a beautiful animal. makes you feel very powerful to hold a live fish in your hands knowing that you'll be eating it soon. makes me wonder how it felt to hunt, how it felt for people to depend on their hunting to survive. now that's living; working for your own survival. i spose we do that today, though indirectly. we work for money and money in turn pays for food. it's so removed from the world! the natural world, that is. heh now i've almost inspired myself to go and live out in the wild, to experience the raw struggle of life, to live merely for life itself. living for living's sake, it'd sure beat this aimless blah of a life i live. wow, time to stop blabbing. what else did i do...ah, we went to some long-dead millionaire's mansion that his heirs couldn't take care of so they donated it to the public. beautiful house, ridiculously lavish. depressing, after coming from china and seeing the little shacks that people live in.
got back from ny monday evening, next morning flew to houston to drop of an entire suitcase of very suspicious white powder (actually bacteria culture for my great-aunt's pharmaceutical company) and then flew back the same evening. spent a couple hours in downtown houston with one of parent's friends, was a nice guy. he took me to a fountain which was pretty cool, it was a giant wall in a semi-circle w water rushing down. when you stand in the middle, it feels like water's rushing at you and you're going to get rinsed away. very cool feeling. also took me to see all the medical schools i'm not going to get in to; rice, baylor, u of t houston. sigh. then went to the museum of fine arts, had some very interesting exhibits. funny, the things people consider art. i think part of art is merely being able to label something art. placing somethign on a wall or in a spotlight or just portraying something differently/in a diff context and calling it art makes people think. they had a sensory exhibit that just involved people touching, feeling and smelling; placing normal everyday sensory experiences in entirely new light...
going to see the counting crows and o.a.r. on fri and five for fighting on sat. i think. volunteering at the concerts instead of paying for tickets. genius, i know. :)


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