Thursday, January 19, 2006

girl: "what's a phallus?"
professor: "it's uh, a penis. a male sex organ. spelled with a 'p-h'"

AHHHHH!!! how can a person make it this far and not know what a phallus is? the poor girl. and yes, i swear this really happened. ask the faggot, he was there.
speaking of which, having a class with the faggot does not bode well. we spend lectures scoping out members of the male sex in our class between bouts of sudoku and crossword puzzles. oh well. at least he keeps me awake.

i really must leave the country. or stop living in whatever box i'm in. GET ME OUT OF HERE. on the bus and in class today, i caught snippets of people's conversations. i dunno, maybe i sound just as vapid and inane at times, but....daymn. how do you have a ten minute convesation about hair? or what bob said to john said to sarah said to ryan? or what the prof is wearing?

i have a sneaking suspicion, though, that wherever i go; it won't be much different. people will be ignorant in different ways. but...i won't hesitate to argue that the american brand of ignorance is the most spiteful.


Blogger shirlee said...

we talk about stupid crap a lot too :)

8:40 AM  
Blogger wynee said...

i know. i only we hope we don't sound nearly as idiotic. i really don't think we do.

12:46 PM  
Blogger jen said...

i know WE do.

p.s.: what class are you taking w/the fag? i wanna come...not.

6:23 PM  
Blogger wynee said...

Art of India. you should come, it's oodles of fun! especially discussion! we giggle over our cute little brown-skin TA!

11:19 PM  
Blogger jen said...

no thanks. soc 1001 is taking up more than my semesterly quota of cla classes.

'sides, i already have a semi-cute semi-brown-skin guy to make fun of.

7:12 PM  

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