Wednesday, May 11, 2005

back from new york.
total time spent in transit: 13 hours (includes a 4hr layover in philly).
total time in ny: 18hrs
well, at least it was a fun 18 hrs.

seems like i'm always packing up and leaving. will i ever grow roots? actually, the question should be; will i ever want to grow roots? maybe i like it better this way. sad thing is, despite all this moving around my body's done, it doesn't seem like my mind's done any moving of its own. hrm.

is there something symbolic in the fact that the bike-ride to MCAT class is uphill?

it's that godamn charisma. gets me every time.

i'm in danger of becoming a whiney emo blog-whore. i'm tired of all these the-world-hates-me-i-don't-know-who- i-am-must-find-myself-i-need-attention-comment-on-my-blog-to-validate-my-existence livejournal/xangas.
we won't be havin none of that herre.

though i am tired of this bullshit life i lead. :)

whoa whoa whoa!!! how did i end up here? must study. and sleep. maybe not in that order. but first,

another humdrum doo dum day
so i pedaled to transcend, extend, blend
the bike and i, me and the bike were no more
and i found the droppings of my conscious congealed upon the hot pavement where my sweat should've been.
i'm done
like a sea sick sailor

hm had a lot more to say, but guess that'll come later. see? can't finish any thing.
had an interview today to do a directed study on a project involving epidemics in the serengeti lion herd- entering data, stats, being an office bitch, etc. i have a sneaking suspicion that i'm only interested because i have it in my head that somehow, someway it'll get me to africa. someday. ok, yeah. that's the only reason i'm interested.
think i'll take it, if only to partially/temporarily alleviate my africa itch.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't have roots because you haven't been exposed to enough red light. But watch out for those far-red motherfuckers!

9:54 AM  
Blogger wynee said...

chenyu, my dear, you've been studying too hard.
i dunno bout that, i've been exposed to plenty of red - i'm in it. sheeyit, i've been seeing so much red lately that i should be fuckin green.
but maybe it's a phytochrome problem.
fuck, i don't remember this shit, this was last semester.

11:27 AM  
Blogger shirlee said...

you're so glad you went to installation. me and dwayne are going sky diving next month. wanna come?

2:00 PM  
Blogger wynee said...

YES. how's dwayne?

2:27 PM  

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