Saturday, September 13, 2003

oh dear i'm a terrible, terrible, mean-spirited person. my roommate's on the phone with her sister, and i'm typing this as she speaks.

"So I’m doing my laundry and it took like forever cuz there weren’t any empty washers. It made me so mad! Like, people just left their stuff in the machines! And I didn’t want to take them out because I felt bad. And then i went to dry my clothes and the dryer I put my clothes in didn’t work. So I asked this guy like “um…I can’t get my dryer to work” and he was like “oh that happened to me to, just use another one”. So I look, and there are no other dryers left! It made me so mad. I mean, most of the stuff was done, people just left their stuff sitting in there. And I don’t have enough guts to just throw their stuff out, I mean…so I see this one dryer that just kinda stopped, and I look, and there’s one washcloth and a pair of shorts! It pissed me off so much. So I’m like, okay, I guess I can take that out. So I folded my clothes downstairs, and by the time I get all the way upstairs, they’re like all wrinkly and nasty again. Ugh. Anyway, I was folding them on the table,and I was only taking up half the table cuz there was a guy doing his homework on the other side and I didn’t want to like take up the entire table. And then this guy comes up and says to the other guy “um, could you move your stuff, I need to fold.” Like oh my god! So we’re folding and he like takes over the entire table! My pants are like hanging over the table and I can’t even like fold them. And this guy was like taking over the whole table and I didn’t want to say anything cuz I was like scared because he was like being all snotty and stuff to the other guy."

hahahaha...ok i just needed that laugh. i can't believe she just spent five minutes discussing her unfortunate laundry escapades. jeesus. like oh my god, i'm such a hata! oy alrite, i'm done being mean now. really truly, i've got a big giant warm heart...'s just sometimes people and things grate me a bit...she's a wonderful person, my roommate.


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