Saturday, September 13, 2003

him: so where you sleepin tonight?
me: my room
him: can i come?
me: if you like sleeping on floors...
him: hell naw, i'm sleepin in your bed!
me: then where the fuck am i gonna sleep?
him: your bed will fit two people
me: the fuck it will

ha! look at the willpower i have!!! it's so sad that i'm so proud for turning him down. what a depraved, wanton soul i have become...what a cocky prick though. just cuz he plays football and he's hot...fucker gets on my nerves. not to mention that that's just about the longest conversation we've ever had.

i have lost all faith in the male half of our species. and most of the female half, too actually, but that i'll get to later.
#3guy of the night to grab my ass
him: come on, just one night!
me: no
him: why?
me: no
him: please?
me: no
him: at least let me buy you a drink
me: no
him: you know, you're really sexy
me: and you're fuckin drunk
etc, etc, etc...

when asking doesn't work, they turn to begging, then bribing, and then flattery. agh!

him: hey baby, give me a kiss i was a little tipsy, i gave him a peck on the cheek and then tried to run away, but he grabbed me and wouldn't let go until i kicked him where it counts

so that one was a bit my fault. and i don't know why i'm dwelling on this so much. i spose this is what parties are all about, cesspools of superficiality, an animal world based solely on instinct and pleasure where girls lay themselves out like pieces of meat for boys to look at like it's their only commodity. so i guess i should just chill out. or stop going to parties. cuz they piss me off. sometimes. though i did meet a boy that i spent the night with shouting over the music about freudian theory and how skateboarding is a form of dance. so maybe there is hope in the world.


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