Monday, October 31, 2005

mike jooones! mike joooanes! mike jooones! who? mike joooones! who? mike joooones! who? mike jones! what? mike jones! mike joooanes! mike joanes! mike jooooooanes!
sheeyit, nigga needs to get himself some new lyrics. or just some lyrics, period. though i spose if his songs weren't filled with such affirmations, we'd have no other way of identifying the rapper. and that would be tragic.

you know what i think is funny? me in a kimono. yes, we're back on this topic again. i really thought i was over the ridiculousness, but i guess not. this herrre chink in jap-duds is a pretty funny site, not to mention the irony of it all...thought i was over that too. hm.

this is what i want to say every time somebody asks me my name at work:

i don't have a name. i'm just another kimono-clad peon. another moderately attractive face with black hair; a combination that waxes exotic. won't a name ruin it? won't a person, a personality destroy the image?
you don't want to know my name, you just want to get laid.
and it's getting really old.

Happy Halloween!
though it should be Holloween, cuz hollow's how i'm feelin.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

pick up line of the day- "so, what do you do for a living?"

at least it wasn't "how you doin'?" or "baby, you need any cash?" (yes,i was propositioned in downtown minneapolis) or "damn..." (yesterday's). i don't get it. was i supposed to be impressed that he worked three jobs? hm.

i'm really tempted to name my snake Soren (after Kierkegaard, of course). haha. and i shall introduce him (her?) as Soren, the Existential Snake.
i really can't believe i'm about to feed it a little baby mouse- a pinkie, in herpophile speak, it's still naked and blind and oh so helpless. i find it even harder to believe that i will soon be putting little frozen pinkies in the microwave. being objective about it helps, i suppose - just keep telling myself that this is the way life works. it's too bad we never really get to experience it, and this whole civilization thing tends to dull our senses, our most animalistic instincts. i know i've said this before, but sometimes i feel like i'm not really living. i want to know what it's like to have to catch and kill my own food, i want to be pushed to survive. and yeah, we do that in society, but we're so far removed! we make money to buy food that somebody else farmed/grew/killed. where's the life in that?
wow. i just read this over, and...i'm weird, man. does this make sense to anybody else?

edit (a few hours later)-
when i left to go to work, i left a cage with a snake and a pinkie in it. i come back and there's just a snake with a giant bulge. oy. yes, i knew that that's what happens, but it's just too...real. i am a little disappointed i missed the carnage, though it would've been something i watched with my eyes partially covered and cringing the whole time...see what civilization does to you? i can't even face the realities of life...:)
(the smile indicates facetiousness. mostly)

Saturday, October 22, 2005

three things:

1. metric! rocks my world!!! (along with pink tambourine men, men that play cow bells, shrimpy men with bug eyes and a band named "the most serene republic")
2. i have a snake! it's the most amount of adorable- a little corn snake. yeah, it's not a ball python (which i had to turn down--too big for my little squatter room), but it'll do.
3. i have a new friend named bob. or at least, that's what he claims his name is. i have my doubts. he lives on the corner of 4th and 15th.

oh and not nearly as exciting but nonetheless noteworthy, i just realized that the shampoo i bought today is supposed to restore the hair and the spirit. can't say my hair has been restored (from what, i wonder? also, in what condition must your hair be in as to require restoring?), and uh, the spirit? no.
disappointing, man.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

whenever i see a squirrel burying its acorns, i always want to stop and yell: "ha! i know where you're hiding your food!"

i must get away from here. just earlier, i saw myself on an island, and there were:

-fifty-six tyrese virgins
-mountains of green tea ice cream, and...oh i won't get started on food but mmm chocolatestrawberriesudonnoodlesseaweedandpork....oh my.

Friday, October 14, 2005's too beautiful a day to worry about such things.
i love fall. nothin like the crisp, clean air...
and to celebrate, a poem by Du Fu:

mcat scores....

i fail, yet again.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

i guess this is take-pleasure-in-small-things week.

i really enjoy finding clean socks. especially when i think that i don't have anymore because i'm a total bum and haven't done laundry in....weeks. wheeeee!!!!

today's grand conclusion:
science is too friggin abstract for me. all these years i've been lying to myself, taking for granted that it's all really logical, but i just had a moment of clarity.


i was "studying" o chem today when it hit me. one moment everything was all molecules and logic, the next, i was like "wtf is the free energy of a reaction?" wft is energy??? orbitals? i was in such a quandary that i actually looked up "orbital" in the dictionary, and this is what it said: "The wave function of an electron in an atom or molecule, indicating the electron's probable location". wave function? light? electromagnetic waves? probable location? does it get any more abstract? how did this make sense to me all these years?
fuck it, i'm going back to art. so much more logical.

in other news, saw death cab for cutie @ 1st ave, they were also much better live than expected. i heart death cab!

i'm definitely studying abroad next year. spoke to a study abroad counselor today. :) narrowed it down to five countries - kenya, egypt, australia, china or the UK. guess that's better than the original 15 countries...just don't know how i'm supposed to narrow it down past this! too many options. i want it all. now.

Friday, October 07, 2005

i have a teapot that whistles! now i can leave the room and know exactly when my water is boiling.
i think i enjoy this fact way too much.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

ok, ok i admit it

i've been listening to the backstreet boys for the past...unmentionable amount of time. i had forgotten how great pop music can be, what a great release it is to just be able to sing something that sounds pretty. of course, listening to the lyrics or even thinking about what you're singing along to absolutely kills it, but it's fun while it lasts.

i went crazy today and sat outside for a good portion of the storm. and oh, what an amazing storm :). after sitting for a while, i convinced shirlee to go puddle jumping with me. if she gets sick tomorrow i will be in trouble.

i have only one other thing to say:


Monday, October 03, 2005

in which i admit that the OC is an acceptable show

i've figured it out! after sitting through a torturous episode of the OC, i have come to the conclusion that the show's producers really meant for it to be satire. how else to explain the irony, the brilliant (yet oh so sublte) wit, the ingenious critique of human stupidity? it all makes sense now.

as for MTV's show Laguna Beach...that's satire of the OC.

apparently, my new favorite way of dealing with things is rationalizing them out, mostly using wynee-logic (see above). other examples -
  • wynee wants boy, boy doesn't want wynee; wynee reasons she really didn't want him in the first place - he wasn't worth it anyway.
  • wynee figures skipping class is fine because she'll just fall asleep if she goes.
  • everything unacceptably stupid must be satirical
  • sleeping is useless because you'll just get tired again
  • same goes for eating and exercising.

in the computer lab doing stat homework (obviously not getting much done). there's a sign on the wall that says


fantabulous. how does one define an unnecessary noise?
oh, speaking of fantabulous signs, i was in a building the other day that prohibits "dangerous weapons"--dangerous weapons as opposed to weapons of the non-threatening variety, correct?

saw System Of A Down and The Mars Volta last week, and yesterday i saw STOMP and Kaiser Chiefs/Weezer/Foo Fighters. it was all absolutely wonderful. system of a down is amazing live, the mars volta not so much. gotta love armenians with good energy. Stomp is quite possibly the most inventive show i've ever seen, and the men are all unbelievably attractive (if only because they've got amazing rythm and can dance their asses off, so be it). and Weezer is much better live than not. i wasn't that big of a fan before, but last night changed my mind. and the Fighters of Foo? i wasn't quite feeling dave grohl's personality. it felt like he was trying too much to be "hard", there was a lot of unnecessary forced swearing that put me off (swearing is fine, it just has to sound natural coming out of your mouth). other than that, when he wasn't speaking, he rocked my socks off.