Sunday, March 28, 2004

shirleses: yeah..she wants me to cleanse my colon she gave me a printout with all these personal experiences of internal cleansing
lanfeur: haha
shirleses: "i'm sure i've never eaten anything reseembling this my whole life. the things i did eat, i always chewed realy well. and still, something the size of my hand resembling a rubber glove came out of me"
shirleses: "at first i saw only tiny little creature, and then a few days later teh lochness monster arrived"
shirleses: "i've been standing over the toilet for an hour. i can't imagine where these things could possibly be coming from. one is about 25 in long, the other looks to be about 15 in. i dont know what they are, but i do know that i've never eaten anything that resembles theses"
shirleses: "he was only 33 yrs old at the time and for 3 weeks straight he kept pasing the strangest and grossest things one could imagine"
shirleses: mommy really needs to work on her motivation techniques. reading about worms coming out of people is not going to encourage me to "cleanse my internals"
lanfeur: hahahaha
lanfeur: oh jeez that's so funny
shirleses: oh yes..hilarious : ) animals coming out of your anus
lanfeur: it's sorta motivating
lanfeur: you don't want monsters festering inside of you
shirleses: in a f-ed up sort of way it is :-)
lanfeur: better out than in :-)
shirleses: "the accumulation of this old, hardened feces sticks t the walls of your colon...the passage thru which the feces are forced to travel is greatly reduced in diameter so the stools become much narrower, even as thin as a pencil sometimes"

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

if i were a character in a cheesy 'coming of age' novel, yesterday would have been one of those earth-shatteing moments where i come to realize that the world is a nasty place. however, as i am already a corrupt teenager with only occasional idealistic tendencies; all i can do is sit here and whine about the ugliness of the world.

Monday, March 22, 2004

had a little adventure this weekend. went to san francisco and explored for a couple days. now there's a real city. real bums, real grit, real people.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

i have come to the conclusion that chicago is not a true city. went last weekend with the boy, spent most of the time just walking around getting all three layers of skin blown off our faces. it's not really a city because it's so clean . for the five or six hours we spent downtown, i saw one piece of trash. one. uno. un, yi, ya. it is not possible to have that many people living in one spot and not have trash and dirt and scum on the streets and sidewalks. even the alleyways were clean! oh, and all of chicago's bums are fake. they only come out at night because they have real jobs during the day. and some of them get money by pretending to be sick or pregnant. fakes, all of 'em.
coming back to mn is like a jolt back to reality. and what an ugly jolt. it's really depressing, seeing how hard my parents work. they leave the house at 7am, and sometimes don't make it back till 7, 8pm. and when they're home, they're still working. they're always exhausted. what do i do at school? sit around on my ass, eat, play video games, eat, watch tv, eat, and occasionally study. and eat. my mom asked me what i actually did at school, and i didn't know what to say, cuz i really don't do anything. i watched a show on the giant tortoises of the galapagos the other day, and had the same feeling. the scientists have such purpose in their lives. they have something to live for, a passion. what's my passion? pete yorn. :p and ansel adams and tom robbins. and frogs or anything alive and slimy. heh, no, kierkegaard. kierkegaard was one stud muffin. i mean, the name says it all. Soren Kierkegaard. even more fun than Friedrich Nietzsche. or a barrel of monkeys. a barrel of nietzsches? you decide.
oy. leedle bit embarassed. at dad's office/clinic, bored. (finished pushing all the fax machine buttons, playing with the intercom on the phone, hurling myself up and down the hall in the new wheelie chairs, coloring all the pages in our waiting room coloring book, stealing crayons, playing rap music over the intercom, tilting all the picture frames, and eating my mom's and our m.a.'s secret stashes of girl scout cookies and chocolate) so i was sitting, spinning around on the chair in a really awkward position, listening to good ol' missy elliot, at quite an offensive part of the song, when the ups man comes in. oops. sad thing is i didn't even notice him till he cleared his throat and said " look bored". :)
anyway, clinic looks nice. they finished it pretty quickly. four months? course, couldn't have been done without my help. :) never realized how much money goes into a business. they had to buy so much equipment, furniture (four exam rooms, an xray room, an injection room, and two offices), technology, etc, etc, etc. crazy stuff. so far we've got $20 in that's a long way to profits!
mmm....what else needs to be said in this monthly update?
"family fine, if emotionally distant. never one to say no on principle." don't know where that came from, but i liked it. right, did i mention i'm on spring break? and i'm receptionist-ing for my dad. he doesn't even come in today until 1pm. which means i'm here all by myself to answer a phone that won't freakin ring. happy spring break to me :) well, going to san francisco on thurs for a day for no apparent reason. it'll be an adventure. haha, i love missy; "maybe somebody just shitted in yo cornflakes, or maybe somethin stank or whatever; but if you don't like it, i don't give a shit, aight?" yes!

Monday, March 08, 2004

the highest mountains and lowest valleys what do you claim blue washes over you surrounded in blue clear yellow burnt orange against crisp blue sky clear still convoluted mess look up into the clear sky not a speck of regret under you is that ideal what have i done but where is my heart who knows took a fligth to the other side tasted ideal now i can't go back what am i mentally insane is redunant this makes sense but it's only a practicality what is it in reality love is only rationality or is it you'll never have all of me mind body and soul independence and reliability