Thursday, September 21, 2006

oh yeah, i have a blog.

i've eaten approximately (they lie, just like levis) 18 feet of froot by the foot today. that's a little too many feet of fun for my tummy.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

ah, school.
i've got my crayons sharpened and a new lunch box; i've got blank 70 page notebooks and a new mp3 player. the bums are back at their old posts, the College Republicans are handing out fliers.

um yeah. that was written two weeks ago, when classes began. have no idea of what i wanted to say. it was probably something along the lines of: "classes have started. i don't really go. i want to play in the sun. i want to go to africa. i'm not going to get into med school."

"the username 'wyneelou' has been taken". this is quite disturbing. all these years, i've lived in the coziness of possessing a unique name. well, at least uniquely spelled. maybe this person's name is wyn eelou. or maybe they just like that combination of letters. either way, they've encroached. bastard.

i scraped my knee today trying to do a stunt on a bike that is most definitely not made to do stunts. yes, i'm an idiot, but that's beside the point. the point is, Levis makes awful jeans. they lie scandalously in their commercials. one little fall, and i have holes. i've had these jeans for less than six months and they've gone to shit. where are the jeans i wore as a kid? now those were jeans - they survived the playground, explosions (don't ask), a 20 foot fall, tree climbing, and all sorts of other hijinks.

it's ok, though. now i have artfully ripped jeans. and blood stains that match my paint stains.