Monday, June 26, 2006

who the hell gets a speeding ticket for going 10 mph over the limit?

besides me, that is? aggghh. this is my third one in the past year. the other two i fully deserved, but this is just bullshit.

this little piggy just can't seem to stay out of trouble.

i've been working for my father doing peon-ish tasks such as receptionisting and taking patient vitals, and i've come to the conclusion that i won't ever work an office job. though free erasers and staples are exciting, i don't think i can handle the daily discourse on the weather. or the day of the week, especially on mondays and fridays. yeeesh.
oh how i will miss mass envelope licking and spinning around in the swirly chairs!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

africa. now. go. i'm so ready to set up a little shack and open up practice. bring me those malnourished kids and goiters! emt class makes me antsy, and not just in the i'm-falling-asleep antsy, it's the i-can't-wait-for-somebody-to-keel-over-so-i-can-apply-my-newly-acquired-knowledge ants in my knickers.

aside from sleeping through emt class and waiting for somebody to get hurt, what have i been doing, you ask? wish i knew. it feels like i'm busy, but i'm relatively certain i've been very unproductive as of late.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

drifters do it sideways, baby. not spectacular pictures because i couldn't get close enough, and i need a new lens. also, rubber flying off tires and embedding into everything does not make for a happy camera. it's quite unfortunate that drifting has become so much more maintstream with the help of the new fast and furious movie. it had so much more appeal as an underground sport. i spose that's the way most things work.

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