Sunday, February 26, 2006

ice climbing!
is a badass activity. now, if only i could look badass doing it...

Why would you ever go to school some where that that advertises with catchy lines such as "Get your nursing degree! Win a free iPod!" the new way to get people to shit or sign up for shit they don't want or need is to tell them they could win a free iPod. "Join the army! Win a free iPod!" "come to this concert, listen to this crappy band and win a free iPod!", "buy an SUV, win an iPod!", and my favorite, "sign a year lease, and get a chance to win a free iPod!".
oy. one thing:

hot tubs and alcohol and 20 degree weather do not go together. mainly the hot tub and alcohol though.


Thursday, February 23, 2006

hmmm. after reading the previous post, i have come to the following conclusion:

i am not as badass as previously mentioned.

oh well.

going to see Common and his high cheek bones tonight at 1st ave tonight...rarrr. saw Staind/Theory of a Dead Man on Sunday at Myth - nightclubs in the 'burbs are just odd and so out of place, and i'd rather eat my underwear than occupy the same space as the people that they attract. but i'll have to admit that it's a great concert venue- small enough to be "intimate", but not too small to breathe. going to see Korn, what?

Monday, February 20, 2006

Caution - young and impressionable

and stubborn as hell. i think i should come with a disclaimer. today i got talked into doing a BMX race. yes, BMX as in bicycle motocross. well, maybe i shouldn't use the phrase "got talked into" because that would imply some reluctance on my part. there was none. not that i have the remotest idea of what BMX-ing entails...shouldn't be too different from regular biking, should it?
the disclaimer, among other things, would read: "don't mention such activities as sky-diving or going to africa to me because either i'll want to do it; or i will go and do it and get myself into such pickles as cannot be imagined. calamitous pickles. don't torture my poor, under-adventured, under-nourished soul!!!"
alas! i am confined to this state for what feels like forever, like some sort of doomed axis mundi...(eew, that was a terrible simile)...for at least six more months...
also, i've always wanted to say "oh my, i'm in such a pickle!"

I am restless. I am athirst for faraway things. My soul goes out in a longing to touch the skirt of the dim distance. O Great Beyond, O the keen call of thy flute! I forget, I ever forget, that I have no wings to fly, that I am bound in this spot evermore.

- Rabindranath Tagore, The Gardener, 1915

Thursday, February 16, 2006

It's because i'm a badass

paper due: last week
paper status: not started. well, i have a title...and half a thesis

why? i'm a badass.

So sad :( When will we learn to leave things alone?

Sunday, February 12, 2006

A few quips about republicans, the current administration, and politics come to mind...but I'll let this speak for itself.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

i am skeptical. though it makes me wonder how fried my brain is becoming...

How to fry an egg with your mobile phone

Try it with a friend!

Monday, February 06, 2006

super-what? huh? my hatred for watching the sport is compounded by the fact that everybody in the world is watching. well i'm not. go twins! (i love playing football, i just don't like to watch it. what's the point?)
it's very disturbing to think of how easy it is to get massive amounts of people to do one thing at the same time. god/buddah/allah/shiva/zeus bless america. and god/buddah/allah/shiva/zeus bless television.
haha i'm such a hypocrite. i've been slowly turning into a Television Watcher (!!!!). but it's ok, i don't own a tv and i never will. at least not for a very long time.

i've decided to only eat things alliteratively (can that even become an adverb?) from now on. yesterday i had meat, marshmellows, mushrooms and milk. and today i had nuts, noodles, nerds and a nectarine. tomorrow it's o. that might be a tough one.

ps. i love starting sentences with "and". i also enjoy pretending fragments are full sentences.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

city-living has made me soft.or at least, that's what i feel like. i say that as if i haven't lived in somewhat urban areas all my life.
"wynee, if george bush can be president, then you can be a doctor."

".........thanks. but the only reason georgey's president is cuz he has a daddy who....damn!"

funniest thing i heard today. people have so much faith in me.